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Omni 사랑 / 색(안)경
시사종교 > 상세보기 | 2015-08-06 09:48:00
추천수 68
조회수   5,168


Omni 사랑 / 색(안)경


김재용 [가입일자 : 2000-05-20]


너희들은 사랑의 결합을 육체적 결합뿐만 아니라. 정신적 결합뿐만 아니라,
영적 결합을 포함한 부분들을 사랑으로 받아들여야 하는데,

특히 영적 결합을 위해 의식확장을 이루어야 한단다.

이것을 방해하는 요인이 바로 두려움에 의한 죄의식이라 할 수 있는데,
깊은 편견이 너희들의 의식속에 자리잡고 있기 때문이란다.

너희들은 우주 만물들을 사랑하도록 창조 되었기에
모든 생명들을 사랑하게 되어 있으며, 모든 인류들을 사랑하게 되어 있단다.
너희들은 이것을 포괄적 의미의 사랑이라고 포장하여 두었지만

이것이 바로 "옴니-사랑"즉, 보편적인 사랑이라 하는 것이란다.



"마누 성령의 사랑"이 바로 보편적 사랑으로서 "옴니-사랑"이라 하는 것이란다.

이것은 모든 만물들의 의식이 하나로 결합되어 있는 사랑이고,

모든 우주들의 에너지들이 하나로 결합되어 순환하고 있는 것이란다.

분리되어 있지 않으며, 나누어져 있지 않기에 온전한 하나라고 하는 것이란다.

개인의식에서 벗어나 점차 영역을 확장시켜 나가는 것이 "성결합"인데,

양성과 음성이 하나로 통합하여

하나됨을 실현하는 것이 바로 "성결합"이라 하는 것이란다.

Sex  is

SPiritual  experience    

as  a   physical  body.


성결합은 영적인 의미로서 먼저 접근해야 하는데,
너희들이 상대를 남자로 받아들이거나, 여자로 받아들인다면 육체적인 의미로 받아들이게 되기 때문에
영적인 의미로의 접근이 어렵게 되는 것이란다.

먼저 상대를 물질적 성으로 구별하지 않고, 영적인 성으로 보아야 하며,

존재로서 보아야 한다는 것이란다.

이것이 쉽지 않기 때문에 물질적 성을 인식하는 현재의식으로는 어렵다고 하는 것이어서
영적인 성을 인식하는.. 상위-의식으로 보아야 한다는 것이란다.


너희들이 이성을 영적으로 바라보아야 하는데, 처음 시작은 그렇게 하였다 하더라도 결국 물질적 성욕에 사로잡혀 놓치고 마는 것이란다. 송과선에서 분비되는 도파민과 세로토닌은 너희들에게 "오르가슴"을 선물하지만 이것이 영적쾌감으로 연결되지 못하고 육체적 쾌감으로만 머물다 보니, 육체적 성 결합에만 집착하게 되는 물질적 욕망에 사로잡히게 되면서 상대가 남과 여로만 보여지게 되는 것이란다.

그러니 내면에 숨어 있는 영적존재는 결코 발견하지 못하게 되는데,
이것이 4차원 의식의 한계라 하는 것이며,  방어벽을 뚫고 나갈 수 없다는 것이란다.



"오르가슴"은 영적존재의 닫혀 있던 챠크라를 여는 것인데,
쿤달리니로 표현된 첫번째 챠크라에서 정수리에 있는 일곱번째 챠크라까지 문들이 열려서

우주 챠크라와 연결되는 상태가 유지되어야 한단다.

남성의 성기가 여성의 질속에 오래 머물고 있다 해서 상태가 유지 되는 것이 아니며,
육체와 함께 영적 의식도 결합된 상태가 유지 되어야 "오르가슴"이 지속되는 것이란다.

두 존재가 서로 사랑을 통해 의식을 하나로 연합하여
개인 형태발생영역에 있는 통로인 챠크라를 열게 되면

"웜홀"을 열게 된 것이며,

별의 문을 열게 된 것이란다.

이것은 우연히 일어나는 현상이 결코 아니며, 충분히 자격을 갖추었기 때문에

차원간 이동할 수 있는 웜홀이 열리게 된 것이란다.



물론 개인 혼자 의식을 깨워서 웜홀을 열 수도 있으나,
둘이 하나가 되어 별의 문을 여는 것이 더 극적인 효과가 일어난다고 하는 것이란다.

개인들이 모여서 점차 확대된 의식고양을 통해 통로를 열게 되면 그 효과는 더욱 증대되어 나타난다는 것이며,
이것이 백마리 원숭이 효과로 전해진 것이란다.

이것을 위해 남과 남 커플이나, 여와 여 커플도 서로의 영적결합을 통해 챠크라를 열게 되면
영적 쾌감인 "오르가슴"을 체험하게 되는 것이란다.

Sex  is

SPiritual  experience    

as  a   physical  body.

http://blog.naver.com/5522sky/220442249003    출처

~The Hermetic Science of Esoteric Sexology~   일명    색경

In regards to human sexuality, it is very important to deeply comprehend the purpose & function of the vital body & how it operates in both male & female subtle anatomy during sexual excitement. Let us remember that Esoteric Sexology is based in the science of endocrinology.

The hormonal-neurological system that’s empowered & excited by the sexual energy produces wonders within the human consciousness in where the Divine is touched, perceived & directly experienced.

The vital body is the bridge between the chakras, the glandular system & the physical body. It has always baffled physicians that the glands are ductless & are situated along the center of the body. Why is this so?

Along the central channel we discover the 7 Chakras; each serve as the power-source of the glands themselves. The Chakras absorb the subtle cosmic forces of the 4th Dimension that manage the creative vitality of life. These forces are known as Tattvas.

The Tattvas are the blueprint of the 5 Elements: Akasha, Vayu, Tejas, Apas, Prithivi, which our entire Universe is constructed out of. We are the microcosm of the macrocosmic totality, & within our very own vitality, the Tattvas give us life through our glands.


During the arousal of our sexual energy, the Tattvas begin to vibrate at a higher frequency, allowing a chain-reaction to take place; our Chakras begin to spin faster, causing our glands to produce special hormonal secretions.

It is during these sacred moments of arousal that we have higher levels of endorphins, testosterone, estrogen, dopamine, oxytocin & vasopressin. These divine elixirs enter into the bloodstream & in turn cause (in men) the most wondrous of all physical feats: the erection of the phallus.


During the inebriation of sexual arousal, the two Nadis, Ida-Pingala, become charged as well, & it is with the charge of these two channels that we can truly begin to tap into the alchemical art of Transorgasmic Sex.

The vital body is the counterpart of the physical body, & without it, we"d have no animation in our physicality. The Vital body is made up of a network of channels, called Nadis.

The Vital body is our 4th Dimensional Energetic Body. We all have this inner-energetic body that is the archetype of our primordial androgyny, by way of Ida-Pingala, our inner Sun & Moon.

It is stated within the tantric text, & by mystics who have direct perception, that there are 72,000 channels that make up the lattice-like structure of the Vital Body. Out of these 72,000, 3 are of most concern because of their importance.


These are respectively the Central Channel, called Sushumna Nadi,
that runs from the base of the spine to the crown, & the Lunar & Solar Channels, called Ida Nadi & Pingala Nadi, that intertwine up the central channel.

These are the Two Serpents of Red & Blue Light, which are positively & negatively charged (electrically speaking). This is the Staff of Hermes.

These two positive & negative forces are what provide the basis of sexual energy itself. They are the primordial male & female energies of life within us.


The left channel is the Female/Lunar Channel that begins in its respective sexual gland. The right channel is the Male/Solar Channel that too starts in its gonad.

Within the male, the Male/Solar-Pingala Nadi begins in the right testicle, extending all the way to the left nostril. The Female/Lunar-Ida Nadi begins in the left testicle, & extends all the way up to the right nostril.

It is the mirror reflection within female subtle anatomy.

The concern for these Nadis are of vital importance for our process in spiritual development. This is why within the sacred traditions, there’s so much emphasis on ‘how’ the sexual energy is managed. It is through the cultivation of the knowledge & experience of the Nadis that we discover the ‘why’ of their deep importance.

~Becoming the Hermaphrodite~

When in sexual union, the couple become truly one androgynous being, who are enveloped in an Aura that"s charged like a cloud that conceals lightning. This is due to the activation of the Ida & Pingala (upon the Staff of Hermes).


What most pseudo-tantric teachers fail to mention, is that if/when the couple reach the climax of orgasm/ejaculation, the energy of the blue Serpent (Ida-Lunar Nadi) is completely discharged, leaving no hope for the arousal of Devi-Kundalini, let alone the activation & nourishment of the Chakras.

It is the conventional pleasure of such a discharge that this humanity craves so-much, due to the fact that they have yet to experience the rapturous bliss caused by the Transorgasmic experience.

Only when the energy is retained & fed to the Two Serpents, does the Maha-Serpent (Devi-Kundalini) Awaken to slay the ego, & give birth to the Divine Soul (The Hermaphrodite: The Progeny of Hermes & Aphrodite).

Here"s what most religions, & political powers of this day & age do not want us to discover, know & cultivate: All of the archetypes of Divinity are within our sexual energy. The semen itself carries all the blueprints,not only for physical life, but most importantly for spiritual life.

Your very own Ishta-Devata (chosen deity) abides in your creative force/semen/sexual energy. If you want to become the embodiment of Divinity, then you must become Hermetically-Sealed, a Brahmacharya, the embodiment-emanation of Brahma.

(Brahmacharya does not mean celibacy, as many mistakenly believe. It means to manage your sexual energy wisely by not spilling a drop, thereby becoming Brahma manifest!) This is the secret of secrets. This is what it means to be Hermetically Sealed!

Second to developing as a truly awakened soul for the benefit of humanity, you will become a better lover, with the ability to enjoy a lasting & joyful partnership with your beloved.

As current studies in the field of neuroscience have shown, it is the neurochemical oxytocin that determines our deep, lasting bonds in relationship. As soon as we are depleted of this "love hormone", the fire of passion is snuffed out, & after continual depletion, a break-ups soon follow.

How does one deplete this wonderful hormone oxytocin? By ejaculating the semen/orgasm. As soon as we reach climax that ends with ejaculation, all of the oxytocin that the limbic system of the brain"s been secreting, is lost in the semen. This is why the man rolls over to sleep, & the woman wants to keep going, or at least cuddle!


Most spiritual practitioners within our day & age have many misconceptions when it comes to the topic of awakening the Serpent of Fire. The most common one is that when one feels a spark of Shakti, or a simple spin of Muladhara or Swadhisthana Chakra that they"ve aroused Devi-Kundalini.

This can be dispelled by looking at one"s sexual habits. If one is having sex that ends with the spasm of orgasm, then one can be for certain that Devi-Kundalini has not stirred one bit.

During the orgasmic spasm (in both men & women) the hormonal-neurochemical secretions are spent. This is why the initiate is trained to Transmute; it is these very secretions that serve as food for the Serpent.

When the Serpent is fed, then the state of Enlightenment is cultivated in the Consciousness. This is the most secret of secrets of Vajrayana. Bodhichitta (in Vajrayana/Esoteric Buddhism) is the semen itself (the White & Red Drops of both men & women).

If you"re seeking a relationship that radiates delightful fulfillment, & that fuels spiritual development, become Hermetically Sealed...

Transorgasmic Sex is how we give birth to the Hermaphrodite.


"Each individual carries within them

a small but powerful generator of love,,

whose energy is waiting to be released..... 

Einstein said to   his  daughter.
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